Student Success Programs
Parent Involvement in Online School
Successful Insight Students Benefit from Regular Parent Involvement
Parental interest and involvement can play a key role in student success by supporting their studies, keeping informed of their progress, and encouraging them to stay on top of their work.
- Parents are given their own login credentials for a Learning Coach account so they can go online at any time and check on their student’s grades, calendar, lesson, activities, etc.
- Parents are provided access to up-to-date information about their student’s progress throughout the semester via regular communication from the teacher and school.
- A dedicated advisor also works with parents and students to foster success in the Insight online learning environment.
- Both students and parents have access to our teachers and school counselor so everyone can see progress, together.
How You Can Help Your Student Succeed
Like a traditional full-time public school, Insight encourages students to develop responsibility for academic progress. That means there are assignments, due dates, and deadlines. While some of what we do is more flexible in terms of the times and the places students do their work, we also make sure that parents, teachers, and advisors are involved to help students progress through coursework in a timely manner. We partner with both students and parents to facilitate achievement, such as with our Family Support Team.
Middle School
Middle school is a time when students become more independent, taking on more responsibility and ownership for their learning and working more directly with their teachers. But parent involvement is still critical to student success. As a parent, you (or another responsible adult you choose) serve as your child’s Learning Coach.
While teachers set the pace of instruction, the Learning Coach helps their student stay on track. Parent/Learning Coach involvement is essential for at least 20 hours a week and roughly 50–60 percent of this time is online. The initial 4–8 weeks can be intensive as your family settles into a routine.
High School
In high school, students work more independently and take responsibility for their learning. A parent (or other responsible adult) serves as the Learning Coach to the teen. Teachers set the pace of instruction, but the Learning Coach provides oversight and help when needed.
Parent/Learning Coach involvement may vary per child and grade level. The initial 4–8 weeks can be intensive as families settle into a routine. High school students work directly with teachers, but parent/Learning Coach involvement for approximately 10 hours a week is still essential.